I consider myself to be an inteligent normal human being...but sometimes I act totally against that. You might remember my other post with bad experiences with Vista themes. And you mihgt also think that I wouldn't be so eager as to try it again.. FALSE.
20 minutes ago I came across what seemed to be a cool Warcraft theme. The only problem is that it was specifically designed for XP. But I don't take into account such "details" :P. So I downloaded the theme, which was not a theme file but an exe. I said ok .. here we go again, and ran the exe. It installed some obscure h4x0r program that once again patched the theme files but also changed some .ico files from the system. Vista of course reverted to basic and then ..even worse ..took the "Classic" skin making it look like win 95.
This was still ok ..the major problem came ..when after patching and changing files ..somehow .. that program messed with my internet connection ( PPOE). So now I have no net .. I manualy revert vista to my own theme and restart the computer. Of course the .ico files were still there ..and the network still wouldn't work. This time ..System Restore did the trick. I simply restored to a few days ago and everything got back to normal.
Conclusion: Stop messing with themes! :)) Cheers.